Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Sony Music Malaysia fanpage

For this entry, I'll talk about Sony Music Malaysia fanpage. I'll try make it simple but loaded with info.

First thing about Sony Music Malaysia is album. In the fanpage, there are tons of latest albums and short reviews. In this fanpage, you are not only able to read the review but you also could share your opinion about the album among other fans/haters. ^^

Secondly is info. Too general eh? IMHO, Sony Music Malaysia fanpage is undeniably have lots of information about artists, album, latest single, performances and tour. You can simply click to this fanpage and you'll find latest information about your favourite artist! Even myself know about Adam Lambert's latest music video "If I Had You" via this fanpage! *Off topic - this mv is totally ah-mah-zing! Adam as always nailed it!**

Thirdly is music video. As I stated before, this fanpage always delivers latest music video to you. You might be amongst the earliest person who watch the video in Malaysia! Woooot! ^^

Next is tour. You can find info about what tour that will be held in Malaysia, Singapore and other places by your favourite artists. So you'll be able to catch the moments or buying tickets to see your favourite artist perform live infront of you! but be careful not to be so happy because your artist might cancel the tour last minute like what Beyonce done! Awwww....

Next is prizes!!! YES! All of us LOVE prizes because they are free right? Aren't we? Me have won GLEE notebook from Sony Music Malaysia looong looong time ago. ^_^ Sony is so generous eh?

Last but not least is magazine. You also might find your favourite artist become the front cover like my Adam Lambert who has appeared for Billboard Mag, Rolling Stones, Details and much more.

Why eh I write this entry? Ermmm....okay...lemme get this straight. This entry is for the purpose of CONTEST again! heh. You also could try your luck by sending entry about Sony Music Malaysia fanpage and you could win 2 CDs that you WANT! Isn't it interesting enuff?

So what are you waiting for? Move your ass and start writing! Good luck! ^_^

ETA: You also can follow Sony Music via tweeter! Follow @sonymusicmy tweet tweet! ^^v

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